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Here is a little stat I wanted to share…



In Australia, over 30 million toothbrushes are used and disposed of each year, amounting to approximately 1000 tonnes of landfill each year, (and that’s if we change our toothbrushes every 3 months). The plastic they’re made of won’t break down in our lifetime; nor within the lifetime of our children. Now imagine that stat on a worldwide scale!

Bamboo toothbrushes are made from bamboo, a natural cellulose fibre that is biodegradable, environmentally sustainable, and does not pollute the environment. Bamboo is a fast growing plant able to be cultivated between 3 and 5 years, then harvested. It re-generates itself naturally, with minimal rain and without the need for chemical pesticides.

Bamboo toothbrushes have a bamboo handle and BPA free polymer bristles (unfortunately at this point in time there are no biodegrable bristles available), but it’s better than the alternative! The brushes also come in a cardboard box compared to plastic toothbrushes in moulded plastic packaging. Again, not breaking down in our lifetime, nor our childrens! The bamboo handles will breakdown back into the earth and can go in your compost!

They last longer than the average toothbrush and feel like you’re getting a great clean. I recommend a soft bristle. 

When you next visit your dentist for a check up and they offer you a free plastic toothbrush please say no and tell them why!  You have the power of purchasing, make it a positive one.

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