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Ideas for a more sustainable lifestyle



You may have half this list covered already or maybe just a few, either way you can aim to mark off as many as possible over time.

Buy less stuff! Stop buying for the sake of buying, you’ll have more financial freedom, less to tidy and clean around the house and more time to spend doing what you love. Unsubscribe to emails that tempt you to buy their products and put a “no junk mail” sticker on your letterbox! 

You did this years ago right? switch to energy efficient light globes / appliances.

Buy in bulk wherever possible – but not if you end up wasting food! Use reusable bags or containers to fill up.

Grow herbs in any space you have available, how many times have you bought a bunch of herbs to throw half out. Most herbs are beneficial to other plants in your garden not to mention bees.

Save your kitchen scraps and start composting it or put it in the garden bin, line your compost bin with newspaper rather than bags.

Recycle clothes, especially kids clothes, pass them onto family or friends, kids grow out of clothes so quickly that they only get worn a handful of times.

Eat vegetarian a few times a week, if you eat meat make sure it’s organic/free-range/bio-dynamic where possible (look out for specials or source in bulk)

Switch to green electricity, do your research and find a company that only invests in green power, a number of “green” electricity companies offer the same rates as others that don’t source green power, you won’t be out of pocket for doing the right thing.

Install water-saving showerheads and taps or reduce your shower time.

Got a pool? Cover it when it’s not in use – stops the water from evaporating, stays cleaner requiring fewer chemicals, and reduces the need to run pumps and filters—all of which can save water, energy and money.

Join an environmental group or participate in an environmental cause eg Sea Shepard Beach Cleans or a Permaculture talk.

Buy local organic produce where you can, this is not only better for your health but keeps food miles to a minimum.

Seriously, this one’s old but they still seem to be available – say NO to plastic bags and straws, take yor own reusable bags and stainless steel straw. Go a step further and replace all single use items.

Switch to a bamboo toothbrush and when visiting the dentist say no to their samples of plastic toothbrushes and tiny toothpastes.

Instead of buying books, visit the library, ask friends or family if they want to swap, purchase audio books or listen to Podcasts.

Grow veggies and fruit trees if you have the space – grow something different to what friends, family or neighbours have so you can swap the surplus.

Use the clothes dryer as a last resort.

Check out www.energy.gov.au and take advantage of Government rebates and assistance.

Don’t leave home without a refillable bottle (preferably stainless steel, not plastic).

Install a rainwater tank (or 3) – for the garden, washing clothes etc and use eco-friendly washing powder and use the grey water.

School stationery… don’t get me started! reuse whatever you can, ask your school to only send what needs replacing (who needs a new ruler and scissors every year?). Donate what you can to less fortunate kids.

Make as much as you can, time permitting – meals, school / work snacks and lunches, make-up, yoghurt, cleaners, bread, crackers etc – it’s healthier, saves money and creates less waste.

Always purchase FairTrade – ask your local cafe if their coffee and tea are FairTrade, you’ll be surprised at how many don’t even know what it means. And you’re taking your own reusable coffee cup right?

Use silicone sheets, beeswax wraps or food covers instead of plastic wrap / aluminium foil or baking paper.

Use public transport, car pool, ride or walk as much as you can.

Donate what you can – clothes, toys, books, sporting equipment, office or school supplies and visit a second hand shop or online before you make a purchase

Support green / eco business doing the right thing.

Give used toys to a good cause and visit a toy library before buying new.

Install a solar hot water service, solar panels, solar outdoor lights where possible (money and housing situation permitting).

Reduce (or stop) buying products in plastic packaging, if there is something you need to buy, email the company and ask if they can make the packaging more eco friendly, the more people that put this pressure on, the more likely they are to change it. For example, fruit and veg that is wrapped in plastic, there is absolutely no need – it has its own natural packaging! 

Seal gaps around doors and windows, get blinds/curtains to reduce heat loss/gain (it will save $$).

Avoid fast fashion, visit op shops or buy clothing that will last many seasons.

When staying at hotels, don’t use the toiletries they provide, not only is it creating waste but they all contain palm oil (we’ll leave that for another blog).

Always wash a full load of dishes or laundry

Plant natives in the garden and mulch

This list could keep going and you can certainly Google more ways to be more sustainable but hopefully you find a few things you can change over to help make a difference.

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